Voici les musiques que l'on peut entendre dans :
Legende : Jeux vidéos - Films et Série - Manga - CD - Artistes - Radio - Saga mp3
Bande annonce :
Let's begin (Azumanga Daioh), Angel witch (Angel witch).
Jingle :
Beginning (World of Goo).
Le vaccin :
Backseat Driver (Demain ne meurt jamais), Company Car (Demain ne meurt jamais), 20H TF1 (Journal télévisé), Youkai Toujou (Rosario to vampire), Insecurity (Vampire Knight), No Time to Think (Kingdom Hearts), Everyday affairs (Vampire Knight), A ruined village (Resident Evil 4), Save Theme (Resident Evil 4), 100 rat dash (Ratatouille), Cat suite (Batman Returns), Razoffs castle (Rayman 3), All Star Coin clear (New super mario bros Wii), Athletic (New super mario bros Wii), Princess Peach is... (New super mario bros Wii), Choose your seeds by Laura Shigihara (PlantvsZombies), Loonboon by Laura Shigihara (PlantvsZombie), Daytime in a Front Yard (PlantvsZombie), Ultimate Battle (PlantvsZombie), Alouette (Instrumental),Level Complete by Laura Shigihara (PlantvsZombie), Mignon mignon (René la taupe), Daytime at a Back Yard (PlantvsZombie), On the Run (Alan Wake), Nighttime at the Backyard (PlantvsZombie), Thriller (Michael Jackson), et Pod Chase (Spy Kids).